.. include:: /../common/authors.txt

Omnia base controller

When building Web API for Omnia extension it’s recommended to use the base class SharePointContextProvidedController from Omnia. This base class provides many useful services when working with SharePoint and Omnia.

using Omnia.Foundation.Extensibility.Core;
using Omnia.Foundation.Extensibility.Core.Utilities;
using Omnia.Foundation.Extensibility.WebApi;
using Omnia.Foundation.Models.Shared;
using Omnia.Foundation.Models.Logging;
using System;
using System.Web.Http;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

public class MyController: SharePointContextProvidedController
    [HttpGet, Route("api/items")]
    public ApiOperationResult<IEnumerable<Item>> GetItems()
           // Your controller logic here
        catch (Exception ex)
                .AddLog(this.GetType().ToString(), ex.Message, DefaultLogTypes.Error, ex);

            return ApiUtils.CreateErrorResult<IEnumerable<Item>>(ex);

SharePoint ClientContext

The base class SharePointContextProvidedController will enforce the parameters SPUrl and TokenKey on every endpoints in the controller, either in querystring or in the request headers. These paramters will be used to authenticate who is calling the API and create a SharePoint user ClientContext. This client context can be accessed using the base controller’s property Ctx. This way the Web API developers will not need to think about authentication and how to communicate with Omnia Foundation services.

The base controller class also provides a helper method, named CreateContextFor, to create ClientContext for another SharePoint site than the site specified by SPUrl paramter, or to create ClientContext with elevated permission.

using Omnia.Foundation.Extensibility.Core;
using Omnia.Foundation.Extensibility.Core.Utilities;
using Omnia.Foundation.Extensibility.WebApi;
using Omnia.Foundation.Models.Shared;
using Omnia.Foundation.Models.Logging;
using System;
using System.Web.Http;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

public class MyController: SharePointContextProvidedController
    [HttpGet, Route("api/items")]
    public ApiOperationResult<IEnumerable<Item>> GetItems()
           // Use the current ClientContext
           this.Ctx.Load(this.Ctx.Web, w => w.Url);

           // Create ClientContext with elevated permission
           using (ClientContext appContext = CreateContextFor(this.Ctx.Web.Url, elevated: true))

        catch (Exception ex)
                .AddLog(this.GetType().ToString(), ex.Message, DefaultLogTypes.Error, ex);

            return ApiUtils.CreateErrorResult<IEnumerable<Item>>(ex);

To Create ClientContext with elevated permission you need to have a valid ClientId and ClientSecret in web.config (for Office 365) or have a high-trust certificate configured (for on-premise).

    <add key="ClientSecret" value="DljsSY31wlsZFytMRhjr4xE11NynROTf0K1p/9XDWnM=" />
    <add key="ClientId" value="62669ea8-15f0-4b24-83e4-1e99fce5ecd5" />

Omnia Foundation Services

SharePointContextProvidedController has a built-in Logging service which write to Omnia Foundation logs database. Other Omnia Foundation services can be accessed using the factory method WorkWith()

using Omnia.Foundation.Extensibility.Core;
using Omnia.Foundation.Extensibility.Core.Utilities;
using Omnia.Foundation.Extensibility.WebApi;
using Omnia.Foundation.Extensibility.Core.Configurations;
using Omnia.Foundation.Models.Shared;
using Omnia.Foundation.Models.Logging;
using System;
using System.Web.Http;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

public class MyController: SharePointContextProvidedController
    [HttpGet, Route("api/items")]
    public ApiOperationResult<IEnumerable<Item>> GetItems()
           // Use Omnia configuration service
           var configuration = WorkWith().Configurations().GetConfiguration(
                    name: "configuration-name",
                    region: "configuration-region");
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Built-in logging service
                .AddLog(this.GetType().ToString(), ex.Message, DefaultLogTypes.Error, ex);

            return ApiUtils.CreateErrorResult<IEnumerable<Item>>(ex);

Other contextual information are also provided:

  • TenantId: ID of the Omnia tenant that the current SharePoint site belongs to.
  • LoginName: SharePoint loginname of the current user.
  • OmniaInstanceMode: The mode that Omnia Foundation is running in, either Tenant or SiteCollectionOnly