.. include:: /../common/authors.txt

Configuration Service


This documentation is a work in progress and contributions can be made on our Github repo

Configuration service is a utility for working with Omnia configurations. Read more about configuration in Omnia here

Available Methods

Method Description Parameters
Get configuration from
Omnia Foundation API
- callback ((result: Configurations.IConfiguration) => void): The callback with the requested configuration

- name (string): The name of the configuration

- region (string): The region of the configuration

- extensionPackageId (string) (optional): The ID of the extension that created the configuration. Default value is built-in configurations
Get configuration included
in client-side
- name (string): The name of the configuration

- region (string): The region of the configuration

- extensionPackageId (string) (optional): The ID of the extension that created the configuration. Default value is built-in configurations
Add or update a list of
- configurations (Array<Configurations.IConfiguration>): The list of configurations to add or update

- callback ((isSuccess: boolean) => void): The callback function
Get all configurations by
- region (string): The region of the configurations

- callback ((result: Array<Configurations.IConfiguration>) => void): The callback function with result
Update a configuration
- configuration (Configurations.IConfiguration): The configuration to be updated

- callback ((isSuccess: boolean) => void): The callback function
Remove a configuration
- name (string): The name of the configuration

- region (string): The region of the configuration

- callback ((isSuccess: boolean) => void): The callback function



To use the ConfigurationService, you need to import The module OmniaExtensibilityModule into the NgModule of your component or add it directly to the list of providers of your compoment


import { ConfigurationService } from "Omnia/Foundation/Extensibility/Services";
import { Component, Inject, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';

     selector: 'my-component',
     providers: [ ConfigurationService ]
export class MyComponent {
     constructor(@Inject(ViewContainerRef) private viewContainer: ViewContainerRef,
                 @Inject(ConfigurationService) private configurationService: ConfigurationService) {

Get configuration

private getDefaultColors() {
     this.configurationService.getConfiguration((configuration: Configurations.IConfiguration) => {
         let defaultColors = configuration.value;
     }, "defaultcolors", "");