.. include:: /../common/authors.txt

Dialogs Service


This documentation is a work in progress and contributions can be made on our Github repo

Dialogs service is a utility for working with modal dialogs in Angular 2 and Omnia.

Available Methods

Method Description Parameters
Show a confirmation dialog
with yes/no outcome
- title (string): The dialog’s title

- body (string): The dialog’s body text

- viewContainerRef (ViewContainerRef): the viewContainerRef of the calling component

- okCallback (() => void): The callback for ‘OK’ outcome

- cancelCallback (() => void): The callback for ‘Cancel’ outcome
Show a custom dialog
- componentType (Type<any>): The component to show in the dialog

- params (any): the parameters passed to the dialog

- viewContainerRef (ViewContainerRef): the viewContainerRef of the calling component

- dialogSize (DialogSize): can be small, medium and large. Default value is medium

- okCallback (() => void): The callback for ‘OK’ outcome

- cancelCallback (() => void): The callback for ‘Cancel’ outcome
Show a loading indicator
and block the whole page UI
Remove the UI block from
blockUI method



To use the DialogService, you need to import The module OmniaExtensibilityModule into the NgModule of your component or add it directly to the list of providers of your compoment


import { DialogService } from "Omnia/Foundation/Extensibility/Services";
import { Component, Inject, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';

     selector: 'my-component',
     providers: [ DialogService ]
export class MyComponent {
     constructor(@Inject(ViewContainerRef) private viewContainer: ViewContainerRef,
                 @Inject(DialogService) private dialogService: DialogService) {

Open confirmation dialog

private deleteItem(item) {
     let dialogTitle = "Delete Item";
     let dialogBody = "Are you sure you want to delete this item?";

     this.dialogService.onConfirmationDialog(dialogTitle, dialogBody, this.viewContainer, () => {
         // Confirmed, proceed to delete the item

Open custom dialog

import { EditItemForm }  from "MyComponent/EditItemForm";
import { DialogSize } from "Omnia/Foundation/Extensibility/Enums";

// ...

private editItem(item) {
     this.dialogService.openDialog(EditItemForm, { item: item },
                                   this.viewContainer, DialogSize.Large);
import { Component, Inject, ViewContainerRef, OnDestroy , OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { DialogRef} from 'angular2-modal';
import { BaseDialogComponent, BaseDialogModel } from "Omnia/Foundation/Extensibility/Services";

     selector: 'edit-item-form'
export class EditItemForm extends BaseDialogComponent<BaseDialogModel<any>> implements OnInit {
     item: Item;

     constructor(@Inject(DialogRef) public dialog: DialogRef<BaseDialogModel<any>>) {

     ngOnInit() {
         this.item = this.context.params.item;