.. include:: /../common/authors.txt

Omnia Feature

Omnia features are modules containing customizations for Omnia. They are very similar to SharePoint features, except that they can provisioning resources to both SharePoint and to Omnia database. An Omnia feature can also run your custom code when they are activated, upgraded or removed.

Feature scopes

A feature will have one of the three scopes Site, SiteCollection and Tenant, each scope can deploy different types of artifacts.

Scope Artifacts SharePoint ClientContext
App-only context of the
target site
App-only context of the
root site of the target
site collection
Not available

Built-in methods and properties

Properties Type Description
Ctx ClientContext
App-only client context for the targeting site.
This property is not available in tenant scope features.
Methods Type Description
CreateContextFor(string spUrl) ClientContext
Create a new app-only context for another site
Log(string log) void
Add a new entry to this feature’s logs
WorkWith() ApiFactory
Return the ApiFactory that can call Omnia API
Example: WorkWith().Logging().AddLog(log)
Localize(string localizeKey) string
Return the localized string

Create new feature

As usual, you can create new Omnia feature using the template from Omnia tooling


At the top of the feature is the FeatureDefinition attribute which contains the feature’s metadata

   id: "85544C6C-9EB9-4F99-9410-95F1EA3D07B5",
   name: "MyOmniaExtension Sample Feature Core",
   version: "0.1.0",
   scope: FeatureScopes.Tenant
public class SampleFeatureCore : Omnia.Foundation.Extensibility.Features.OmniaFeature

Feature activation, deactivation and upgrade

In a feature you can override the activation, decativation or upgrade events to run custom code. In these events, you can:

  • Write CSOM code to work with data in SharePoint (except for Tenant scope features where the ClientContext is not available)
  • Call the API of Omnia Foundation like logging and configurations using the built-in method WorkWith
  • Trigger queue jobs using Omnia Queues API

Example: Provisioning new start page for the target site when activating the feature

/// <summary>
/// Activates the feature
/// </summary>
public override void Activate()
        string pageTitle = this.Localize("$Localize:MyOmniaExtension.StartPageTitle;");
        var publishingClient = this.WorkWith().Publishing(this.Ctx);
        publishingClient.CreateStartPage(new Page
            Name = "StartPage.aspx",
            PageLayout = MyOmniaExtension.PageLayouts.StartPage,
            Title = pageTitle
    catch (Exception ex)
        this.Log("Activate feature", ex.Message, FeatureInstanceLogTypes.Error);

/// <summary>
/// Deactivates the feature.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fromVersion">From version.</param>
public override void Deactivate(string fromVersion)
    // Your code to handle feature deactivation here

/// <summary>
/// Upgrades the feature
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fromVersion">From version.</param>
public override void Upgrade(string fromVersion)
    // Your code to handle feature upgrade here

Provisioning tenant resources

By overriding the method OnTenantResourceMappings, a feature can provision tenant resources to Omnia database.

For code resources like JavaScript and CSS, you will also need to add them to a bundle for them to be loaded and executed on SharePoint or Omnia admin application. Read more on bundling in Omnia.


Only tenant-scope features can provision tenant resources, though any features can add resources to bundles.


/// <summary>
/// Called when [OmniaFeature resource mappings is being performed].
/// </summary>
/// <param name="resourceMapper">The resource mapper.</param>
public override void OnTenantResourceMappings(TenantResourcesMapper resourceMapper)
    // Provisioning tenant resources to Omnia database
    // NOTE: Only tenant-scope features can provision tenant resources

    // Adding resources to the scope's bundles, in this case tenant.js and tenant.css

        .Include<ResourcesMapping.Scripts.AdminSettings>(q => q.SampleAdminSettingsFormJs)
        .Include<ResourcesMapping.Scripts.AdminSettings>(q => q.SampleAdminSettingsJs)

Provisioning SharePoint artifacts

In the method OnTenantResourceMappings you can also provision files like masterpage and pagelayout to SharePoint. To provision other SharePoint artifacts like fields, content types and list instances you need to override the method OnSharePointArtifactMappings.


Only site-scope and sitecollection-scope features can provision SharePoint artifacts


/// <summary>
/// Called when [OmniaFeature resource mappings is being performed].
/// </summary>
/// <param name="resourceMapper">The resource mapper.</param>
public override void OnTenantResourceMappings(TenantResourcesMapper resourceMapper)
        .MapTenantResource<ResourcesMapping.PageLayouts>(q => q.SamplePageLayout)

/// <summary>
/// Called when [OmniaFeature sharepoint artifacts mappings is being performed].
/// </summary>
/// <param name="artifactMapper">The artifacts mapper.</param>
public override void OnSharePointArtifactMappings(SharePointArtifactMapper artifactMapper)

