.. include:: /../common/authors.txt


The Features API allows you to Activate, Deactivate and in other ways work with Omnia Features.


This API works with Omnia Features, not SharePoint Features.

You reach the Features API through the following service



To activate an Omnia Feature, use the following method

FeatureInstance OmniaApi.WorkWith(Ctx.Omnia()).Features()
        .ActivateFeature(Guid id, string spUrl, bool force);

Supply the unique Guid of the feature, the URL of the tenant authority / site collection / web where the feature should be activated. Set the force parameter to true to ignore errors on activation.


To deactivate an Omnia Feature, use the following method

FeatureInstance OmniaApi.WorkWith(Ctx.Omnia()).Features()
        .DeactivateFeature(Guid id, string spUrl);

Supply the unique Guid of the feature and the URL of the tenant authority / site collection / web where the feature should be deactivated.


To get more information about a specific feature, use the following method

FeatureModel OmniaApi.WorkWith(Ctx.Omnia()).Features()
        .GetFeature(Guid id);

Supply the unique Guid of the feature. In return you get a Omnia.Foundation.Models.Features.FeatureInstance object containing feature details like Name, Description and Scope


To get more information about a all existing features, use the following method

IEnumerable<FeatureModel> OmniaApi.WorkWith(Ctx.Omnia()).Features()


To check if a given feature is activated or not on a site / site collection / tenant, use the following method

FeatureInstanceStatus OmniaApi.WorkWith(Ctx.Omnia()).Features()
        .GetFeatureActivationStatus(Guid id, string spUrl);

This will return a value from the Omnia.Foundation.Models.Features.FeatureInstanceStatus enumeration.

This can have any of the following values:

  • NotActivated
  • Activating
  • Activated
  • Upgrading
  • Deactivating
  • Error


To get the log messages written for a specific feature, use the following method

IEnumerable<FeatureInstanceLog> OmniaApi.WorkWith(Ctx.Omnia()).Features()
        .GetFeatureInstanceLogs(Guid id, DateTimeOffset? startingBefore = default(DateTimeOffset?), int take = -1);


To get all instances of a feature (e.g. all places where a feature is activated), use the following method

IEnumerable<FeatureInstance> OmniaApi.WorkWith(Ctx.Omnia()).Features()
        .GetFeatureInstances(Guid id);

This will return a collection of Omnia.Foundation.Models.Features.FeatureInstance, containing for example Status and Target of the feature


To upgrade a feature on one target (Tenant / Site collection / Site), use the following method

FeatureInstance OmniaApi.WorkWith(Ctx.Omnia()).Features()
        .UpgradeFeature(Guid id, string spUrl);

To upgrade features in multiple places at once, you can use the following method

Dictionary<string, ApiOperationResult> OmniaApi.WorkWith(Ctx.Omnia()).Features()
        .UpgradeFeature(Guid id, List<string> spUrls);

This will update the feature in all of the instances specified by the list of URLs supplied in the spUrls parameter.