.. include:: /../common/authors.txt


Fields are used in Lists and Content Types in SharePoint and Omnia Foundation makes it easy to create field definitions by using attributes that can be provisioned using a, Omnia feature or referenced in a List definition.

All field attributes are located in the Omnia.Foundation.Extensibility.Fields namespace and the following list contains the different attributes that can be used to create field definitions.

Attribute Description
FieldAttribute The base attribute that all field attributes inherits from containing generic properties like title, description etc
BooleanFieldAttribute Boolean field definition
CalculatedFieldAttribute Calculated field definition
DateTimeFieldAttribute DateTime field definition
HTMLFieldAttribute HTML field definition
LookupFieldAttribute Lookup field definition
ManagedMetadataFieldAttribute Managed metadata field definition
NoteFieldAttribute Note field definition
NumberFieldAttribute Number field definition
TextFieldAttribute Text field definition
UrlFieldAttribute Url field definition
UserFieldAttribute User field definition

Field definitions can be referenced both in list definitions and content type definitions, so they are defined using class level attribute decoration. Below is an example of how to define a basic NoteField using the NoteFieldAttribute

[NoteField(id: "37643EF6-2BB9-429B-BD19-4684FC7879DD", internalName: "MyNoteField",
       Title = "My Title", Group = "Custom Group")]
public class MyNoteField : FieldBase



Even if the attribute is called NoteFieldAttribute its not necessary to include Attribute in the name, NoteField is enough and that will make the code look more clean.

All field definitions requires the minimal id and internalName parameters since this is required to be able to create the field. For the different field attributes there are always minimal required parameters that need to be provided but there is also optional properties that can be specified. Below is an example of all the optional properties that can be specified on the NoteFieldAttribute


Now that we have a field definition we can either use a site-scoped or sitecollection-scoped Omnia feature to deploy it to a site or use it in a List definition.