.. include:: /../common/authors.txt

Page LayoutΒΆ

Page layouts in SharePoint are stored in the Master Page gallery on the root web of a site collection. Therefore it is recommended to provision page layout files in a Site Collection scoped feature.

In a Site Collection scope feature, locate the public override void OnTenantResourceMappings(TenantResourcesMapper resourceMapper) method.

Add the following code, replacing TenantResourcesMapping.PageLayouts with the class name of your Page layout in the Resource Mappings class, and StartPage with the property representing your page layout.

public override void OnTenantResourceMappings(TenantResourcesMapper resourceMapper)
        resourceMapper.MapTenantResource<TenantResourcesMapping.PageLayouts>(q => q.StartPage)

Note that this is a fluent API where you after the .WithSettingsForPageLayout() can modify a number of additional things about how the file will be provisioned, for example the file name

public override void OnTenantResourceMappings(TenantResourcesMapper resourceMapper)
        resourceMapper.MapTenantResource<TenantResourcesMapping.PageLayouts>(q => q.StartPage)